Cognos Formação e Desenvolvimento Pessoal
Em qualquer parte em formato e-Learning
- Estudantes;
- Profissionais da Saúde;
- Outros potenciais interessados que pretendam iniciar uma carreira profissional no setor da Saúde.
No final deste curso, os formandos deverão ser capazes de desenvolver aptidões linguísticas em contexto profissional que lhes permita comunicar em Inglês Técnico - Saúde (NÍVEL B2) de forma efetiva, segura e com total capacidade profissional com doentes e equipas clínicas.
- Desenvolver as suas competências de compreensão e expressão orais e escritas;
- Utilizar o seu próprio referencial linguístico em Inglês para definir certos conceitos e distingui-los;
- Alargar o seu vocabulário técnico da área da saúde;
- Desenvolver as suas competências de expressão escrita, formando frases simples;
- Ouvir, compreender e reproduzir em Inglês-padrão vocábulos técnicos.
Módulo 1: The hospital team (3 horas)
- General vocabulary about a hospital team
- The National Health System
- Working in a team
- Medical jobs/ hospital staff/ medical teams/ Shifts
- Nurses and midwives/ organisation of care/ the ward round
- Being part of a team / Team work
- Medical specialties
- Verb+prepositions
- Word combinations
- Pronunciation: main stress
- Being polite/ Appropriate responses
- Present perfect and past Simple
Módulo 2: Hospital admisson (3 horas)
- Patient admissions
- Medical terms
- Welcoming a patient on admission
- Checking a patient’s identity bracelet
- Medical equipment used for observations
- Charting and documentation
- Abbreviations
- Talking about patients – nouns and verbs
- Parts of the body
Módulo 3: Accidents and emergencies (6 horas)
- Accidents
- Emergency
- Fractures
- Causes of injury
- Paramedic work
- Accident prevention measures
- Adverbs of manner
- Adjectives and adverb degrees
- Verb tenses
- Present
- Politeness
Módulo 4: Symptons and pain (6 horas)
- Signs, symptoms, illnesses and complaints
- Presenting complaints
- Pain and pain assessment
- Describing pain
- Abbreviations
- Medical terms: Word stress
- Personal details
- Verb tenses in the presenting complaint
- Documentation: case histories and case reports
- Advances in pain management
Módulo 5: Medication (6 horas)
- Prescription and drugs
- The British National Formulary
- Dealing with medication
- Guidelines for prescription
- Abbreviations
- Administering medications
- A drug chart
- Medical staff conversation
- Benefits and side effects
- Adverse drug reaction and prevention
- To know your medicines
- A nurse practitioner
- Medical staff conversation
- Concordance
- Explain side effects: may/ can
Módulo 6: Blood (4 horas)
- Functions of blood
- Blood, oxygen and other chemicals
- Blood and blood vessels
- Blood groups
- Problems with blood groups
- Blood donation
- Blood disorders
- Blood pressure
- Hypertension
- Diabetes
- Lifestyle changes
Módulo 7: Hygiene (4 horas)
- Proper hygiene
- Preventing infection
- Infection control
- Universal precautions
- Hand washing instructions
- Patient communication
- Personal care
- British slang
- Medical staff interaction
- Giving instructions
- Explaining procedures
Módulo 8: Monitoring the patient (6 horas)
- Vital signs
- Patient conditions check form
- BP monitors (Sphygmomanometer and digital)
- IV care
- IV therapy
- IV summary
- IDCs
- Catheters
- Wound management
- Medical record
- Visual clues
Módulo 9: Mental health (6 horas)
- Psychiatry
- Appearance, behavior and manner
- Depressive illnesses
- Psychiatric symptoms
- Self-harm
- Depression
- Mental state examination
- High risk groups
- Describing patients
- Examining patients
- Wishes and consequences in negotiations
- Past simple and past perfect
- Phrasal verbs
- Verbs with prepositions
- Pronunciation – week form
Módulo 10: Nutrition and obesity (6 horas)
- Food and nutrition
- Lifestyle
- Overweight and obesity
- Ideal diet
- Hospital diet
- Nurse-patient Interaction
- Exercise
- Showing empathy and sympathy
- Modal verbs for encouraging and making suggestions
Módulo 11: Caring for the elderly (4 horas)
- Normal ageing
- Normal changes
- Geriatric nursing
- Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s
- Would, used to, get used to, be used to
- Rehabilitation
- Purpose and reason
- Special equipment
Módulo 12: Sick discharge (3 horas)
- Discharching patients
- Discharging forms and letters
- Nurse’s discharge notes
- Referring a patient
- Confidentiality
- Transferring a patient
- Patient care team
- Nurse-patient interaction
Módulo 13: Death and dying (3 horas)
- Death and dying
- Breaking bad habits
- Reactions to bad news
- Patient’s emotions
- Terminal illness
- A nurse’s Job
- Relatives
- Donating organs
- Coping mechanisms
- Memories
- Likes (preferences) and dislikes
Este curso enquadra-se na Formação Profissional Contínua. Irá obter, no final do curso, um Certificado de Formação Profissional emitido através da Plataforma SIGO (Sistema de Informação e Gestão da Oferta Educativa e Formativa), em conformidade com a Portaria nº 474/2010, de 8 de julho, sendo para isso necessário atingir uma classificação final igual ou superior a 10,00 valores.