eBook Pro

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eBook Pro

  • Conteúdo

    Package and sell information online safely and securely.

    eBook Pro is the perfect tool for any eBook publisher looking for an all-in-one solution to their eBook needs.

    Products that can be delivered electronically over the Internet have a tremendous advantage over anything else that you might decide to market online. Problems like expensive delivery charges, wrong addresses, stocking and packaging delays, snail mail slow downs, etc. are entirely eliminated - with eBook Pro.

    eBook Pro is not only a superior (and user friendly) software for packaging information, it also gives you far more security and control than other programs or packaging options. There's no longer any reason for you to be taking dangerous risks with your business. Now your computer can deliver your products instantly and automatically (with zero cost) over the Internet. eBook Pro can even:

    1. Capture your customers' credit card numbers
    2. Wire their money directly into your bank account
    3. Enter their customer contact information into your own private database.

    With eBook Pro, your eBooks are easy to produce, they're cost-effective, and they have the potential to generate insane amounts of profit with relatively little effort on you part!

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