Destinatários: Professionals who would like to develop or increase management skills, improve their position internationally and acquire the requisite tools to apply their academic expertise in English.
Modalidade: Online
Avaliação: Online
Duração: 60 ECTS
Requisitos:Bachelor’s degree or equivalent professional experience.
Vantagens do IMF:
Dupla titulação com a Universidad Nebrija
Aconselhamento laboral e bolsa de emprego
Tutorias ilimitadas com os professores
Campus Virtual. Progride ao teu ritmo: Metodologia flexível de estudo
Curso de Inglês incluído em todos os Masters
Corpo docente de grande prestígio com profissionais reconhecidos e no ativo
Acesso á Biblioteca Virtual
+ 80.000 alunos e 5.000 empresas formadas
1 Delegação em Portugal, 7 Delegações em Espanha e presença Internacional em 6 países
Programa do Máster:
MÓDULO I Organizational Management
MÓDULO II Financial Management
MÓDULO III Marketing Management
MÓDULO IV Operational management and logistic
MÓDULO V Human Resource Management
MÓDULO VI Strategic Management
MÓDULO VII Management and Negotiation Skills
MÓDULO VIII International Business and globalization
MÓDULO IX Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
Metodologia :
IMF offers free access to consultations. They will be personalised and permanently attended by a specialised tutor via phone, e-mail or face to face. Both distance learning and E-learning are available. The former mode provides up-to-date textbooks with strict technical-related criteria. They are easily understandable and have a clear practical approach. The latter mode, on the other hand, provides free access to the Virtual Campus students can check and download all materials, have access to the laws, do the activities, etc.
Tutores :
O painel de tutores do curso é formado essencialmente por profissionais de empresas e do mundo académico, que podem transmitir aos alunos experiência laborais reais e exemplos práticos resultantes da sua experiência da atividade empresarial.
Avaliação :
Alumni are required to submit midterm or modular tests in order to get their marks. Once passed, they will receive a certificate that proves that they have successfully completed the aims of the educational programme. In other cases, the certificate will be obtained after an exam on site