Master in Teaching English as a Foreign Language – Universidad de Jaén

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Master in Teaching English as a Foreign Language – Universidad de Jaén

  • Objectivos The overall objective of the programme leading to the award of the Master, Diploma (Especialización) and Certificates (Extensión universitaria) in TEFL is to provide a base for the development of the academic and professional skills required to teach English in any of the various teaching-learning contexts that exist. The aim thus being to complement professional practice with contemporary knowledge and insights, concerning the nature of foreign language learning and teaching, and to develop the perceptions, knowledge, resources and practical skills necessary to build on this theoretical base. The promotion of critical reflection is one of the aspects, which define the very nature of the project, and bridges the gap between a solid theoretical knowledge and its required practical application.
  • Titulação Master in Teaching English as a Foreign Language
  • Conteúdo The programme leading to the Master and Diploma in TEFL is intended for primary and secondary level English language teachers in public or private institutions; teachers of EFL working in adult education; graduates with relevant qualifications intending to work as English language teachers.

    Programa académico:

        * Module: Second language learning and teaching
        * Module: Methodologies and materials in language learning and teaching
        * Module: Curriculum and course design
        * Practicum
        * Research project in TEFL

Outro curso relacionado com ensino da linguagem

  • Curso Promoção e Mediação da leitura.

  • Centro: ESEJD- Escola Superior de Educação João de Deus
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  • Pós-Graduação em Estudos Islâmicos

  • Centro: UTL - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
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  • Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano

  • Centro: UTL - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
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  • Curso Científico-Humanístico de Línguas e Humanidades

  • Centro: Escola da APEL
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  • Licenciatura em Antropologia

  • Centro: UTL - Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
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  • Curso Técnico de Topógrafo-Gemómetra

  • Centro: EPCG - Escola Profissional de Ciências Geográficas
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  • Curso Técnico de Cartografia

  • Centro: EPCG - Escola Profissional de Ciências Geográficas
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