Mestrado em Economia

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Mestrado em Economia

  • Titulação Mestrado em Economia
  • Conteúdo *LECIONADO EM INGLÊSThis Master programme is recommended for students with a good
    technical background who wish to obtain a rigorous, in-depth education
    in economic theory and policy at the graduate level, to prepare a
    successful career in research or as professional economists working for
    central banks, the banking industry, government institutions, and
    international organisations or as economics and finance consultants.
    The degree consists of one year of full-time coursework, plus one
    year for research and writing a dissertation. Both semesters in the
    first year focus on providing you with strong foundations in the core
    subjects (microeconomics, macroeconomics and econometrics), while
    allowing you to choose four additional courses in the field. In the
    final two semesters, you will develop your dissertation under the
    supervision of a faculty member and will benefit from additional
    guidance in a seminar on economic research. The full programme provides
    120 ECTS credits.
    A strong preparation in Economics at the graduate level, in a great
    school such as IBS, opens up superb career opportunities in many areas
    within economics proper but also in finance and management. To be able
    to achieve this while living in a city as beautiful and welcoming as
    Lisbon is one more reason to choose our programme.
    Teacher-Student Proximity
    ISCTE Business School has a great tradition of teaching in field of Management:
    The faculty of ISCTE Business School have authored more than 100
    books in different management disciplines, many of which are now
    required reading at other Portuguese universities;There is a close working relationship between students and faculty;Students benefit from weekly contact hours, continual email contact
    and a sustained relationship with alumni throughout their professional
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Outro curso relacionado com economia

  • Curso de Introdução ao Conceito de Economia Social - As Organizações Sociais

  • Centro: FormaçãOnline
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  • Mestrado em Estratégia de Investimento e Internacionalização

  • Centro: ISG - Escola de Gestão
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  • Mestrado em Ciências Económicas

  • Centro: Universidade Técnica de Lisboa - ISEG - Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão
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  • Mestrado em Decisão Económica e Empresarial

  • Centro: Universidade Técnica de Lisboa - ISEG - Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão
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  • Mestrado em Economia

  • Centro: Universidade Técnica de Lisboa - ISEG - Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão
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  • Mestrado em Economia [ECEO]

  • Centro: Universidade Lusófona
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  • Curso de Método e Técnicas de Análise Económica e Financeira

  • Centro: Citeforma - Centro de Formação Profissional dos Trabalhadores de Escritório, Comércio, Serviços e Novas Tecnologias
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