Mestrado em Marketing

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Mestrado em Marketing

  • Conteúdo *LECIONADO EM INGLÊSISCTE Business School is well-known for offering the most highly
    rated, business-oriented MSc in Marketing in Portugal, with a clear
    international focus. Our full time, one year programme is designed for
    students with little or no work experience and will provide them with a
    highly advanced qualification, both theoretical and practical, that will
    boost their career prospects.  In a competitive, changing
    business world, there is a growing demand for young professionals
    equipped with advanced marketing skills, knowledge, leadership potential
    and the ability to effectively deliver from day one in an organisation.
    The IBS programme makes use of its in-depth knowledge of the main
    marketing fields and passes this knowledge on to its students, giving
    them the tools they need to make an impact. The programme also features
    guest speakers - well-known to the field of marketing - who are anxious
    to share their skills and know-how with the participants in the
    programme.    Our commitment to academic excellence means we
    are also committed to the development of each student's personal skills.
    To assure that each student reaches his or her unique potential, we
    offer a state-of-the-art personal development programme (PdP) and
    innovative experiences that enable them to discover their leadership
    qualities and creativity.  If you want the best possible
    preparation for a bright and challenging future in the business world,
    take a look at the MSc in Marketing of ISCTE Business School, a
    programme that offers the best to those who seek the best.
    Teacher-Student Proximity
    ISCTE Business School has a great tradition of teaching in field of Management:
    The faculty of ISCTE Business School have authored more than 100
    books in different management disciplines, many of which are now
    required reading at other Portuguese universities;There is a close working relationship between students and faculty;Students benefit from weekly contact hours, continual email contact
    and a sustained relationship with alumni throughout their professional
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Outro curso relacionado com marketing estratégico

  • Mestrado em Marketing Estratégico

  • Centro: ISCEM - Instituto Superior de Comunicação Empresarial
  • Solicite informação
  • Mestrado em Gestão de Informação com Especialização em Marketing Intelligence

  • Centro: Instituto Superior de Estatística e Gestão de Informação - NOVA Information Management School
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  • Mestrado em Estatística e Gestão de Informação com Especialização em Marketing Research e CRM

  • Centro: Instituto Superior de Estatística e Gestão de Informação - NOVA Information Management School
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  • Pós-Graduação em Gestão de Marketing Farmacêutico

  • Centro: Universidade Técnica de Lisboa - ISEG - Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão
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  • Curso de Marketing

  • Centro: Citeforma - Centro de Formação Profissional dos Trabalhadores de Escritório, Comércio, Serviços e Novas Tecnologias
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  • Curso de Internet e E-business

  • Centro: Logic Training - Instituto de Formação
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  • Curso de Marketing para web

  • Centro: Logic Training - Instituto de Formação
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