Pós-Graduação em Kino Eyes [ECATI]

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Pós-Graduação em Kino Eyes [ECATI]

  • Objectivos Students will form collaborative teams and work towards a funded graduation project. These final thesis films will be expected to perform at first-tier international film festivals. Teaching on the programme will be supplemented by a comprehensive course of professional practice preparation, involving industry professionals from all over Europe, including production and craft specialists, distributors, festival programmers, financiers, lawyers and casting directors.
  • Conteúdo his two year MA programme is a brand-new highly intensive fiction film making masters degree supported by ERASMUS+.

    The programme takes the form of four semesters¿ teaching, along with a summer school. The teaching is unique for a film making MA in that it is split between three different film schools in three different European states: Lusófona University in Lisbon, Portugal, Screen Academy Scotland in Edinburgh/ Napier University, UK, and the Baltic Film and Media School in Tallinn, Estonia. The teaching in each campus reflects the strengths of the staff and educational history of each school, so providing each specialist student with a choice of the best possible options for learning. Each school has a substantial track record teaching masters film-making courses.

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