European Master of Science in Information Systems Management (grau duplo)

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Comentários sobre European Master of Science in Information Systems Management (grau duplo) - Presencial - Lisboa - Cidade - Lisboa

  • Dirigido a
    This program is aimed at graduates in management, engineering, economics, marketing, information management, and professionals in network systems and data communications analysis, computer software engineering (both applications and systems software), network, computer systems and database administration, among others, who are willing to acquire additional Information Systems Management skills to be applied in their professional field.
  • Titulação
    European Master of Science in Information Systems Management (grau duplo)
  • Conteúdo
    The European Master of Science in Information Systems Management aims at graduates willing to acquire additional information systems management skills to be applied in their professional field and intend to have a master's double degree diploma from two universities:- M.Sc. in Information Management by NOVA Information Management School of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal. Ranked by Eduniversal as the best Master Program in Information Systems Management in Portugal and the 4th best in Europe.- M.Sc. in Business Informatics by Faculty of Economics (FELU), of Ljubljana University, Slovenia. Accredited by AACBS, the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.ApplicationsThe call for applications will be held from February 1st to March 23rd 2017, via NOVA IMS' Applications Portal. 

Outro curso relacionado com sistemas de informação

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